Loud Cry Ministries is proud to announce an off shoot of the ministry starting up with the sole purpose of helping those who cannot help themselves. As many who are a part of the ministry know the hardships of not having insurance and healthcare we are now starting up a ministry to help those in the same situation here in America and abroad in the world as well. Please help to support us getting this ministry up and running by the end of October this year. Unlike Loud Cry Ministries where we have always and will always continue to not ask nor accept donations this oil ministry will need funding. Loud Cry Minstires will be helping to fund this new endevour but cannot fund it alone. As an off shoot standalone ministry we will allow this to be funded by help of others. In the spirit of being seperate from the world though the new minstry will not be registered as 105c3 just as Loud Cry Ministries is not either nor ever will be. soundingtheloudcry.com will be home to this minstry as well. Please keep this in you prayers in the meantime that this may become a reality and touch many lives. If you want to support this cause please click here to go to the donation page